Friday, October 7, 2011

World Vegetarian Week Challenge Day 5!

Well, today was the last day of World Vegetarian Week and the Vegetarian Challenge!  It seems like everyone succeeded with their week long challenge but are excited to start incorporating meat into their diets again.  This week has proved to be a challenge for some and a breeze for others.  Most have learned that it is often hard to find variety in restaurants and on campus when you are consuming a vegetarian diet.  Below are some of the final comments from our students who took the Vegetarian Challenge this week:
Andrew reflects on his final day as a vegetarian:  For lunch today I only had a salad, and I don’t think I am going to continue being vegetarian after this week, I don’t feel I can live long term without meet. But lunch was a salad with an apple, because I wasn’t really hungry. Afterwards though, the munchies hit me and I ate four bowls of frosted flakes.”
Cassandra had a successful day yesterday, here is what she ate:  Yesterday, I had a baked potato, green beans, melon dew, a veggie wrap and fries. I've notice that the veggie wrap didn't make me feel full but it tasted very fresh.” 
James seemed to struggle with finding different options for him to eat, he stated:  You know there aren't many options for me to eat. I don't have much of an interest to try anything new unless I go out to a restaurant with my parents. Another thing is takes too much time to think of something to eat especially if you're an RA who's always trying to figure out what he has to do next. It is like you have that rhythm so why stop it?”
Thanks everyone for taking the challenge to become vegetarian for a week.  I personally have enjoyed my week and other than visiting the fair, I have easily been able to find delicious vegetarian meals!  Hopefully, you will take the challenge again next year!  It’s only a week….you can do it!

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